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October Book Reviews: Escaping Emotional Abuse and Halfway There

Samantha P.

We are so excited to share with you our reviews for the month of October! We hope that these reviews will help you explore more about wellness and healing.

All books reviewed in this post were received from NetGalley. We were able to receive these books in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Escaping Emotional Abuse by Beverly Engel is a gem of a book. With compassion and kindness, Engel addresses victims of emotional abuse at every step of the process. Here you will be treated with respect and understanding for your situation and receive a step by step guide to leave an emotionally abusive relationship while also being nurtured to regain your dignity and self-respect. This book is written for not just women, but men as well, and includes helpful exercises in each step of the process to assist in the healing process.

Engle also has the wisdom to not claim that her book is the sole agent of healing. She strongly advises the reader to attend individual therapy to talk through their situation with an outside source that can provide further individualized care.

If anything about this title draws your interest, read this book.

If you are young and just starting dating, read this book.

If any part of you has any concerns about your relationship, read this book.

5/5 stars

Escaping Emotional Abuse will be available on December 29th, 2020. You can preorder it here.


Halfway There by Elizabeth C. Haynes is a book about her personal meditations on life. This read is for someone looking for short thoughts on a wide variety of topics related to personal health and your mindset for life. If anything in this book resonates with you or you find it surprising, I would recommend looking for more books on that specific topic, because you will not get the depth you need from this book.

This book is good to help stave off feelings of isolation if you agree with her reflections about life. It is a helpful encouragement to carve out your own path and shake off the pressure to remain in negative patterns that are detrimental to yourself and others.

Overall, if you are seeking a book with any depth though, this is not the one for you.

2.75/5 stars

Halfway There: Lessons at Midlife is available now for sale here.


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