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An Open Letter to the Ladies


My dears, you have been burdened with so much. You are balancing it all from work to home, caring for friends and family, and on top of it all, organizing money and health. It's no wonder that when you get to the end of the day you are exhausted, worn out, and done in. Bubble baths, exercise, naps, all of these things can help bring us back to a place of rest and rejuvenation. But sometimes self-care isn't enough.

Who is lonely out there? In addition to the pressures of everyday life, COVID-19 has pushed us into separation from each other, removing ourselves from our communities.

We find ourselves asking ourselves, in those dark and hard places, who understands the grief that comes from losing someone dear? Who understands when it is impossible to get out of bed in the morning? Who comprehends the physical manifestations of stress, whether overeating, not sleeping enough, shaking, and the ever-present exhaustion?

In a world of Instagram influencers, celebrities with their polished lives documented for us all to take in, and even curated lives of our friends and families, who gets what it is like to struggle?

Who understands my struggle?

My friend, this is how group therapy can help you. Not only are you connecting with a licensed counselor that has the tools and the training to help you overcome your struggles, but you also have a group of people that are facing similar challenges. Maybe they have good advice for you for how you can get through the moment you are in. Maybe you have advice for them for what you have overcome.

We were made to live in a community. We were not made to go through this life alone. Healing can happen in a community. Learning can happen in a community. Growth can happen in a community.

Maybe you are afraid to share about yourself with others. Afraid of judgment, afraid of being unwelcome. My dear, everyone is afraid. But have to test the waters. If you want to go swimming in the ocean, don’t go to the beach and only to sit in the sand. You have to wade into the waters. Group therapy is the same way. You can’t just show up and not say anything. You need to speak up, participating in a fair and balanced way that supports everyone in the whole group, including yourself. That is when true healing begins.


Interested in our group therapy services? This fall at Covenant Way Wellness, we are starting several therapy groups.

  • Depression and anxiety therapeutic reading group

    • Starting September 2nd, cost $80-including a book, workbook, and all course materials

  • Emotion-focused movement therapy-featuring light yoga

  • Women's stress management

  • Grief therapy support group

Interested in any of these groups? Email for prices, registration, and dates! All of our groups are virtual to promote health and well-being during COVID-19.

We would love to see you this fall to walk with you through your challenges to overcome!



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